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Maisarah Mohd. Taib is a Lecturer and an Industrial/Organisational Psychologist at the Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KIRKHS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). She first joined the university as a Matriculation Teacher at the Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS), IIUM in 2010 and in 2015 she joined the Department of Psychology, IIUM as a Lecturer.


Her research areas are on work-based personality tests, personality and work-related outcomes, test development, test adaptation and test validation, and the evaluative standards of the employment interviews ranging from issues related to psychometric properties i.e. the reliability, validity and utility, to the non-psychometric properties, namely, job candidate perception and recruiter acceptance. She has researched the use of technology-mediated employment interview in personnel selection and she plans to expand her research to other types of recruitment and selection technologies. Her research interests include dark personalities at workplace, Grit at work as well as drivers and barriers of technology use at work. She also has a research interest in the area of scholarship of teaching and learning in psychology (SoTL). She has, thus far, offered her consultancy services in the area of testing and assessment at work and workplace dark personalities. 


Maisarah completed her Phd in December, 2019. Her doctoral research explored Malay work-based personality traits using psycholexical method. The aim of her doctoral degree was to produce a locally-developed work-based personality test that can be used by organisations in Malaysia for human resource and organisational functions.


Maisarah also curates, researches, and edits the work on this website and blog.

Maisarah: Project

Phone: +603 6421 5147

Fax: +603 6421 5063

Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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