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Master of Human Sciences in Psychology Programmes

The Master of Human Sciences in Psychology prepares students for the pursuit of a higher degree and provides them with in-depth knowledge of issues related to mental health and treatment as well as performance and human relations in organisations.


Applications are welcomed all year round; however, our intakes are as follows:

  • Master (Coursework) - September ONLY

  • Master (Coursework and Research) - September ONLY

  • Master (Research) - September and February


​Entry Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in the relevant discipline with good grades from institutions recognized by the Senate of the University.

  • English proficiency levels: Minimum score on IIUM's English Placement Test (EPT) - Band 6; or IELTS - Band 6; or TOEFL paper based - 550.



  • A good grade is normally interpreted as a minimum cumulative grade points average (CGPA) of 3.0 on the scale of 4 or its equivalent.

  • To comply with the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) Programme Standard: Psychology (Ref: Circular No. 5/2013 and Circular Letter No. 2/2016), please be advised that admission to a programme that is different from undergraduate field of study requires the completion of prerequisite courses AND a comprehensive examination before applicants will be permitted to begin graduate level programme. (The pre-requisite courses include Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychological Statistics, Social Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Research Methodology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychometric Principles/Psychological Assessment, Abnormal Psychology, or any other courses at the discretion of the Head of Department).

  • Students are required to provide evidence of English proficiency by submitting their proficiency certificates before the beginning of the programme. The IIUM-administered English Placement Test (EPT) may be required when necessary.

  • Candidates who do not obtain the required proficiency but are still interested to join the programme must take pre-sessional English courses at the university's Centre for Languages (CELPAD) or other recognised institutions.

  • Information on course fees can be found on Finance Division page here.

  • For information on scholarships and financial assistance, please see here.  


The Master of Human Sciences in Psychology is a two-year programme offered using three modes:

  • Coursework-Only Mode 

  • Research-Only Mode

  • Mixed Mode (Research and Coursework)

Master of Human Sciences in Psychology (Coursework-Only Mode)

Master of Human Sciences in Psychology (Research-Only Mode)

Master of Human Sciences in Psychology (Mixed-Mode: Coursework and Research)

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Phone: +603 6421 5147

Fax: +603 6421 5063

Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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