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Mentor-Mentee Gathering, Semester 2, 2018/2019

Diana Mahudin

The Mentor-Mentee Gathering for Semester 2, 2018/2019 has been conducted on April 2nd, 2019. In preparing students as future Psychologists, academic members of the Department have taken an initiative to form a collaborative effort in facilitating students to develop academically and professionally. This initiative is carried out outside the classroom context, by which three of the following levels are introduced for its implementation:

  • Macro level: Mass gathering, i.e., Meet and Greet (every first week of the new semester)

  • Mezzo level: Within group mentoring, i.e., Mentor Mentee Gathering

  • Micro level: One-to-one mentoring, i.e., individual appointment/ consultation session

Three important takeaways can be derived from the Head of Department’s speech during the gathering:

  1. The Mentorship Program at the Department is a student-initiated, student-organised, and student-led program.

  2. All activities conducted under this Program should incorporate the three domains of learning: psychomotor, cognitive, and affective.

  3. All contacts and mentorship commitments are to be well recorded so that a proper documentation and accountability can be maintained.

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Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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