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Diana Mahudin

ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Audit

The Department was involved in the Kulliyyah’s MS ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Audit exercise on September 7th and 8th, 2020. The overall scope of the audit for the Kulliyyah includes (i) the evaluation of the design and development of education programmes, (ii) provision of education services at foundation, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels, (iii) management of research and publication activities, (iv) management of student development, and (v) provision of corporate services.

Audits are indeed a tedious but necessary exercise to assure that all parties do their job properly and in compliance with the applicable guidelines and codes. And for this, the Department thanks the professionalism, support, and cooperation that each member has exhibited in preparing the required documents for teaching and learning, and in being ready and on standby for the audit. At the Departmental level, there were no irregularities identified; however, three improvement opportunities had been suggested to ensure that the governance and administration of the programme and resources are always good and satisfactory.

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